Environmental Sustainability

Omnii is committed to minimising the impact of its activities on the environment and to the continual improvement of its environmental performance. We are committed to providing sustainable fire protection and fire engineering services.

The key points of our strategy to achieve this are:

  • Partnering with Carbon Positive Australia to reduce our carbon footprint.
  • Minimise waste by evaluating operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible, such as:
    • To use energy more efficiently
    • To use water more efficiently
    • To reduce the amount of waste produced
  • To reduce the environmental impacts of travel
  • Promote throughout the company a strong environmental ethic as part of our culture.
  • Source and promote a product range to minimise the environmental impact of both production and distribution.
  • Actively promote recycling both internally and amongst its customers and suppliers.
  • Complying with all applicable laws, regulations and statutory obligations relating to environmental issues.

Our Partnership with Carbon Positive Australia

At Omnii, we are committed to creating meaningful, long-lasting change in both our industry and the environment. That’s why we’ve partnered with Carbon Positive Australia to take active steps in addressing climate change and environmental restoration. Through this partnership, we aim to contribute to Australia’s ecological health by supporting native tree planting and land regeneration projects.

Carbon Positive Australia

Why This Matters

The effects of climate change are real, and the responsibility to combat it lies within all of us. As part of our corporate responsibility, Omnii is contributing to initiatives that draw down carbon, restore ecosystems, and regenerate degraded land. By working with Carbon Positive Australia, we are helping restore vital habitats and reduce carbon emissions, ensuring a more sustainable future for all Australians.

About Carbon Positive Australia

Founded over 20 years ago, Carbon Positive Australia is a grassroots organisation with deep roots in the conservation and restoration of Australia’s natural landscapes. Their mission is to restore healthy ecosystems, plant native trees, and empower individuals and businesses to reduce their carbon footprints.

Since its inception, Carbon Positive Australia has:

  • Planted over 7.4 million trees
  • Restored more than 5,400 hectares of land
  • Captured nearly 675,000 tonnes of carbon and counting

This remarkable impact continues to grow, and with Omnii’s support, we are excited to contribute to even more reforestation and land restoration projects.

Carbon Positive Australia
Carbon Positive Australia

Our Commitment

Omnii is dedicated to more than just planting trees; we are part of a solution that aims to leave a positive, lasting impact on Australia’s environment. This includes:

  • Supporting large-scale restoration projects to rejuvenate ecosystems and landscapes
  • Participating in Carbon Positive Australia’s community-led planting initiatives, which empower individuals and communities to take positive climate action
  • Educating and encouraging our stakeholders to measure and reduce their carbon footprints

Our support is also aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, working to build more resilient ecosystems, support biodiversity, and create a healthier planet for future generations.

Carbon Positive Australia